Pain Management

I long to go under

Lose consciousness, go blank

Slip away into nothingness.

What does that say about me?

A local’s not enough.

I don’t need the area around the wound deadened

I need to be deadened.

I am the wound.

Put me out, put me under

Let me go down into the void.

Maybe I’ll come back

Maybe not

Either way, I’ll have relief at last.


Inspired by The Daily Post Daily Word prompt: local

The Kindness of Strangers

Go ahead, please

Just do it 

Put me out of my misery

Commit me, already

I can’t stand it in here

This world is too bright

The constant chatter

The onslaught of doubt

Can’t you tell 

I am screaming inside

My head is on fire

I am running down streets

I want to be free

Like Blanche DuBois 

Take me to my own Belle Reve

Let me sleep there forever

Inspired by The Daily Post Daily Word Prompt: commit