Savor-ful Things

A kiss

Coming in to the air conditioner from sweltering heat outside

Time with a loved one

The sunset

A thank you

A heartfelt apology

A compliment

An unexpected but needed rain shower that breaks the humidity

A stranger’s smile

Someone holding the door open for you

The moment you free your body from tight clothes or shoes

Watching your lover, child or pet sleep

Holding their hand (really hold it)

The sound of their voice (one day you may long to hear it again)

Their touch

Being really listened to

A deep sleep

Getting lost (because you are never really lost, you’ve just found a new way to go)

A good laugh

How it feels after anger dissipates

A happy memory

A rainbow, anytime, anywhere

The stars in the sky

Being applauded in any way for any reason (exception: sarcastic applause)

That smell of breakfast

The smell of coffee

A pet’s demand for your attention

A really good turn of phrase


Long sips of cool water

Any moment in which you feel loved

Any moment you feel connected to the world

What would you add to the list?


Inspired by The Daily Post Daily Word Prompt: savor

9 thoughts on “Savor-ful Things

      1. Thank you. It was seven weeks ago. He was just 44 and died suddenly of heart failure. But I do still feel his presence and being able to hear his voice in my head really does help. Your list of things to savor is a good reminder for all of us! Thank you for that. 💕


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